Pyrography, also known as wood burning is a fun
hobby.  If you can trace a pattern
and you can live with an occasional burn,  you can
 woodburn.  I am strictly an amateur but I have a
 good time with it.
This is the email address of a professional artist.
Sue has everything a person could ever need having to
 do with pyrogrphy. Just to look at her work is a
 special treat. 
This is a peice by Sue that was given to me that I just copied on my scanner.  It is beautiful and the picture doesn't do it justice.

I copied this before I knew who the artist was. Her
name is Jean Keaton and her work is at
She does those wonderful drawings of "The Laughing Jesus."

My Work
This is a neighbor's brother who passed away. He is
missed. This was given to his sister.
This is the photo I copied.


This is a pattern from a tole painting book of mine.
Only 1 of 2 that I have kept.


This was copied from a picture and given to my grandson, Billy John.


This was done for a friend.



This is the photo I copied


This picture of a neighbor's granddaughter before
I colored it.
After color was applied.  I used water based acrilycs.

Before color.
After color.
This is the top cover of a small box sold in all craft stores.  Given to great Granddaughter Katie Mae.  (Big Smile)


Another small box.  The 2nd one I have kept. Pattern
from a tole painting book.

Tole painting pattern.
Given to Deb Haas.

  Wooden coat wall hanger
Given to Allen & Deb Haas.
My nephew and wife.

Wooden Plaque for my friend Jean.

I learned a lesson on this peice.  Not to reduce the size of my original picture.
My granddaughter Heather has this burning.

Done on a tagua slice which is a nut of the South American Ivory Palm Tree.
There is a hole I drilled on top so it can be worn as a pendant.

Free standing 3 paneled wood picture with hinges.
My cousin Billy and wife Barb have this one.

Small box.  Susan B Anthony coin.

I love this one.  My nephew David has it now.

Another reduced picture.  Wooden Plaque.

A Cheryl Dow pattern from a purchased book for wood burning.
Before color
After color added.

 My very first wood burned piece.

A cheryl Dow pattern.

Wooden Plaque.
From tole painting book.

Scrap wood picture from xmas card.

On wood.

On Wood

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Web Set by Mae