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Fun and Surprises

Fun stories and / or photos 
Anything  might happen
on this page !! 


A bit of fun for you to try.      Use ' line'  for dense design, and 'point' for a finer design.   It works - I've tried it here.    The colours can be changed using the slides at the top.  'Random' at the bottom gives you any number of different designs to play around with - and if you like what you see, you can do a Print Screen of it to keep.   This was offered free to sites,  on a site I came across recently.   Spend a few minutes - and have fun.

Created by Anu Garg.

This HTML script is permitted by Jigzone who
gives the script to be used in this way.

Below is a Jigsaw from my private pages
on Jigzone.   It is one of my own photographs of
our lady magpies. 
 If you wish to try this, and change the type of cut to something different, click on "Change Cut" ... choose
a cut you  think you'd like to try - and go for it. 
Dialog boxes will come up to show you
what is where - and when choosing a cut, click
on it, and remove your arrow quickly away
from the dialog box - it will load automatically.  
Good luck - and enjoy.  


"Puppy Tricks"
One of many.
And he thought he was
just  the ant's pants.


Mr. Action himself
Gussie (again)
Just another leaf toss captured.
Look at those teeth !


"Bums on Seats"
Murphy and Lockie often sat this
way on the couch - for what reason
is anyone's guess. !


This could be anything you want -
A prayer meeting ?
A conference ?
Or just a plain ole pig out !