( There is some information
for animal lovers
at the bottom of this page. Please read - it
important to know what plants to protect your
pets from )

My pets have been numerous and
And I introduce you to them
It is with great joy that I do
as they brought me untold love,
happiness and devotion
over the years.

A photograph of our two dear departed pets
together - taken in September 2011.
They were never far apart from one another.
And in a way, they remain together - buried side by side.

Click on this photo to appreciate the full beauty of it. |

It breaks my heart to have to tell you, that
we have lost not one, but two of our precious darlings
in the space of a little over 2 months.
Our beautiful Golden Retriever "Gracie" passed away
very suddenly and by natural means at 1.30 a.m. on
October 12th, 2011. She died in my arms. She had
initially been just a little off colour - somewhat disinterested in food & infection was suspected. She was being carefully treated for that possibility and she
responded very well. She resumed eating normally, slept well, played enthusiastically, especially with Indy
( who is featured on the previous page here ) and everything seemed on the improve.
She appeared generally well and happy, her initial blood
tests were excellent, and other tests were good right up until the very last evening, before she crossed that
well known Bridge.
We will never 100% know what it was that took her from us. An autopsy was not performed to determine how and why
she passed so very rapidly. But we were so much in shock, it was decided at the time not to have that done.
I now regret that decision.
It is highly suspected by our Veterinarians, that she had a cancer that worked silently
with it's vile processes internally, and she finally succumbed very quickly in the early hours of that terrible morning. We had taken her to our Vet. at 8 pm on the evening before as she had developed a sudden
very high temperature and was showing discomfort. Gracie was given a safe injection for pain relief and
more injected anti-biotic. An appointment was made for Gracie to have an ultra-sound and further more
extensive blood tests later on, in the morning of her death.
But it did not eventuate - she died just
over 5 hours after being taken to the Vet. Clinic.
She is so very painfully missed.

A lovely photo - click on it to see it properly in a new window. |
Gracie was such a cute and funny dog. Loved cuddles and pats - and 'pushed' in
to get them - that is she shouldered aside Lachlan when he was with us - and he didn't seem to mind too much
really !
Have you ever heard a dog 'moo' .... no? Well Gracie did. As she settled
down for sleep she let out a sound that was identical to a cow mooing. I wanted so much to capture that sound
on my digital camera, no video, just the sound - but unfortunately never made the opportunity. She amazed
more than one visitor to our home, as she laid down to rest. The looks on the visitors faces was priceless.
She also sang. ! Usually excitement brought that about, when we'd been
out and had arrived home. Really can't describe it too well - but it was a kind of yoddle, mixed with
an up and down the scale yowl or howl - and goodly amount of wolf cry in it as well. That's another sound I missed
out on !!!
Gracie loved playing with the cats, although they didn't quite understand her style of play,
and she sometimes received a sheathed paw across the face for her trouble. But she persisted.
And as for grooming - oh what bliss that was - Oscar in particular would groom Gracie for ages - and when he'd
finished she looked for more. She asked the same of the other cats, gently butting them with her head,
and lowering her head for the grooming - but they were decidedly not into cleaning dogs !!
Gracie came adopted from an unknown background - and we believe she had been treated none
too kindly in her early years. We won her trust and she had a wonderfully happy life with us.
She was so very very special - and will be forever in our hearts.

A lovely photograph of our most beautiful red golden
Her coat was more titian in colour - with cream points on
her feet and chest. She was very tall for a bitch, and we oftened wondered if she had some Duck Toller
Retriever in her - such was her colouring. However, her height would not have come from the Duck Toller breed,
so we will never know just what else might have been in there ... to us though she was all Golden Retriever - and did everything
a Golden would be expected to do. She was absolutely the most beautiful dog.
" Gracie "
My beautiful girl with coat of red,
with golden highlights through it thread
her big bright eyes, and happy smile
no longer asks to play awhile.
She has left me.
Ever watchful, faithful friend
On whom I always could depend,
for loving company always there
to cuddle up, a hug to share
And now she's gone.
I talk to her from time to time
beside her garden when sun does shine
on the glorious flowery display
that marks where Gracie went away
and left us.
Yes I shed tears, maybe
lessening now,
replaced by memories of just how
my wonderful dog was everywhere
that I can look - and she’s still there
In spirit.
Knowing that she is at rest
no hint of pain, no
fear filled test
for her to go through any more,
brings peace and solace to the fore
Despite my tears.
And so my precious Gracie girl,
as weeks, and months and years unfurl,
you will be with me every day
and everywhere - but
I have to say,
I had no choice –
you simply had to go.
To join our other dearest pets,
Sweet wee souls – each one the best
because they gave so much to me,
more than I could ever see.
Until it was too late.
To everyone who has lost a pet,
We must be mindful always yet
that nothing removes them from the heart
In our lives they remain a part
Of Happy Memories.
© Anne N. Byam
- 2011

Lachlan - beloved and loyal companion.
Before he suffered from
the worst effects of incurable cancer,
he was gently put to sleep at home
on June
27th 2007.
He was a devoted companion to me - and had been trained to collect whatever
it was I asked of him. He could choose from a variety of objects in another room, and come back with what
I had asked him for.
He was also aware of my health, and took it upon himself to stay with me
when I had an epileptic fit ( now very well under control ) ... and on one occasion, took my hand in his mouth after I had
recovered and was again standing up in our back garden - and led me to the back door which was open .... pulled
me into my bedroom and with one almighty shove, pushed me onto the bed with his head. I was almost back
to full awareness when this happened, so I just allowed him to do his caring thing, and that was the result.
I remained on my bed for a short while, and he never left my side all that time. We had never taught him
to do that.
He is missed so very very much - to this
day - and beyond.

Click on image for better view |
The above is a Paint Shop Pro image made with
a whole lot of love.
Timmy and Lachlan.

The photograph above is of the
beautiful bouquet of Lillies that
our wonderful Vets from Ferntree Gully
Vet Hospital sent us after
Lachlan was put to sleep.
They always write a lovely card to go
with the flowers - and my heartfelt thanks
to our Vets, particularly Clive and Vet Nurse Rebecca
who never fail to respond to the dreaded call
to give our dear pets peace before the suffering that is inevitable.
It is a terrible and difficult decision to
make, but Clive, his Associates and staff are totally supportive,
wonderfully caring and unfailingly dedicated to not only
our pets but to us, the families.
I received many beautiful expressions of condolence
in recent months, at various times for which
I thank everyone.
There is one in particular that I would like to
share with you as, although in many ways it is
sad, it is also very positive and good for
everyone to reflect upon.
It was sent to me by my dear friend Sandy Davenport
who lives in New York State. Sandy also made
up a really lovely image of Lockie and it is here
underneath the verse that she sent me.
Thank you Sandy.
Please do not be unhappy just because I am out of sight.
There are some things I’d like to say.
But first of all, to let you know, that I arrived okay.
I’m writing this from Heaven. Here
I dwell with God above
Here there’s no more tears of sadness.
Here is just eternal love.
That day I had to leave you when my life on earth was through
God picked me up and hugged me and He said “ I welcome you.
It’s good to have you back again, you were missed while you were gone.
As for your dearest family, they’ll be here later on.
I need you here badly, you are part of my plan.
There’s so much that we have to do, to help our mortal man”
God gave me a list of things, that He wished for me to do.
And foremost on the list, was to watch and care for you.
And when you lie in bed at night, the days chores put to flight.
God and I are closest to you … in the middle of the night.
When you think of my life on earth, and all those loving years.
Because you are only human, they are bound to bring you tears.
But do not be afraid to cry; it does relieve the pain.
Remember there would be no flowers, unless there were some rain.
I wish that I could tell you, all that God has planned.
If I were to tell you, you wouldn’t understand.
But one thing is for certain, though my life on earth is o’er.
I’m closer to you now, than I ever was before.
There are many rocky roads ahead and many hills to climb,
But together we can do it by taking one day at a time.
It was always my philosophy and I’d like it for you too,
That as you give unto the world, the world will give to you.
If you can help somebody who’s in sorrow and in pain;
Then you can say to God at night – “My day was not in vain”.
And now I am contented … that my life was worthwhile.
Knowing as I passed along the way, I’d make somebody smile.
So if you meet somebody who is sad or feeling low,
Just lend a hand to pick them up, as on your way you go.
When you’re walking down the street and you’ve got me on your mind.
I’m walking in your footsteps only half a step behind.
And when it’s time for you to go – from that body to be free.
Remember you’re not going – you’re coming here to me.
Author Unknown.

Click on image for better view |
Beautiful image by Sandy Davenport
Again - thank you Sandy

MURPHY - (Bradenwood Matilda) is featured
on her own page " Golden Moments - Murphy's Story" which
can be found on the 2nd page of this website - under links to other pages.
There is much to tell about our precious Murph.

Meet " Trudy "
Trudy was originally a racing greyhound
.... with absolutely no inclination to
chase or race. She originally belonged
to my brother in law, but I had fallen
in love with her and her gentle ways and
gave her a home. She was loyal
and devoted, and very protective.
She is here with my daughter Louise who
was about 5 years old at the time.
The fondest of memories of Trudy.

Meet " Moon "
One day, some 30 years back now, when we lived in
the suburb of Box Hill, I came home from shopping to find
a white bundle of fur curled up fast asleep in
our hallway. The kids had been out and about playing
and had left the front door open. And there she
was - quite
at home, obviously one tired little dog.
I placed an ad. in the newspapers, contacted the
RSPCA, and our local
Veterinarian to see if anyone was missing such a beautiful
dog. One lady responded Moon
was quite distinctive as
she had two funny little crossed teeth and the lady who
said sadly, "no my girl had perfect teeth" ... nonetheless,
came and had a look anyway. Not her dog.
So Moon she was called, as she was the colour of that
lovely globe in the sky, and a beautiful girl she was.
Our Vet of the time, said she was so small (but a pure bred)
that he thought she'd have been the runt of a litter.
He could not put an age on her, but thought she'd been
around for a while !
She was with us for quite a number of years before passing
Fondest memories of my beautiful " Moon ".
