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        (Outback style)


( with apologies but sincere thanks for inspiration,

to Pam Ayres – poetess of great note )




Me pants is fallin down

cos the elastic in ‘em broke.

the whatsits that records

well that's a ruddy joke.

It keeps spittin out the tape

when I wants to watch a show

by settin' pre record

I'm feelin'  rather low !


The weather it is freezin'

The pipes could well be blocked.

And as for the electrics

I'm scared of bein' shocked.

The 'lectrician came on Tuesday,

to put in Safety Switch

and since that time we've found

all the things what's got a glitch. !!


Approached  the old computer

with fear and with dread,

because I thought I'd blow it up

and then it would be dead.

Hubby went to have a shower

and that was quite alright

the water heater kicked right in

and bang -  we lost the lights.


John  fixed some things on Tuesday

that were not wired true

we coulda gone right up in smoke

And then what would we do.

So once again we called

the second time that night

And John obliged to visit

As well and good he might.


Nothing worked,  I missed "The Bill"

Missed watching CSI

The clocks all blanked  oh what a pain

Enough to make me cry.

So he's comin' back today 

and the power will be cut

He's gotta figure out 

what the TXU messed up.


When they install the  new danged thing

what meters all the power

Might get a cuppa coffee

Might even have a shower.

But I wouldn't bet on that

I think that we've bin hit

With weird things a -happenin

I'd like to do a flit


Add to this my recent woes

with dear old Micro - S

Computer bizzo’s that went wrong,

It really is a mess.

One that I must get at

to clean it up for sure.

I wonder how I can endure

And if there is much more.


So me friends, it's touch and go

at 44 Maho-ny

And I'll be here when power permits

This isn't all baloney.

Each time we use appliances

we haven't used in days

It's like as not to blow the works,

My nerves are hung in frays.


At least we know the Safety Switch

is doin' what it's s'posed to

I'm sittin' here in kind of fog

Just wonderin'  what to do

These things are sent to try us

Or so I've heard it said

These 'things' are pesky at the least

Think I'll go back to bed. 


© Anne Byam (frazzled)   














