Page names are changed periodically !!
You can browse
at your leisure if you wish.
Some pages have been moved, but there are links on
this page to those older pages if you care to revisit them.
Click on the snowflakes below to take you to previous pages
that have been moved to a different location. The pages are shown underneath
each snowflake icon.

For some water
saving tips, and general information, please click on the snowflake to go to a page titled "Precious Water".

Little Sophie's Plight - Sophie was involved in yet another accident,
which had all worried about her condition, but she survived and is growing up into
a fine young lady. If you missed it, read all about her.

Golden Moments - Murphy's Story. I wrote the story of our first beautiful
Golden Retriever, her life, her puppies, and her unutterably sad ending. But it's still a lovely story and very
Fun and Surprises - a jigsaw to do, puppy capers, kitty pics
a spirograph to change into whatever you want. A fun page.

Previous Goodies - became so large I had to
remove it to a new location so's I could start a
new Previous Goodies in the future. There is a lot
to see on this page.

tragedy of our day is the climate of fear
which we live.
fear breeds repression. Too often,
threats to the Bill of Rights, to freedom
the mind are concealed under the patriotic
of anti-Communism.'
Stevenson - 1952
I came across the above quote
a few weeks back. It had been reproduced
on a site, the name of which I cannot now remember.
The suggestion was that we substitute the
word "anti-Communism" with "anti-Terrorism".
It struck me at the time, how very true the words
are, and how applicable to today. The
more we
give in to fear, the more the terrorists will
win their
waged war against us. Think about
it - I did.

I had been getting some unwanted 'spam'
entries in
the Guestbook, but it now seems that
Tripod have
stepped in and ousted the spammers, once and for all.
Good for Tripod - nice to be with them.
Thanks for your patience - receiving acknowledgements
to your Guestbook entries, has been slow and tedious.
> ° : ° <