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Dover Sampler Colourings

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The above is my coloured version of this small and very old pencil sketch of a lake.   I found this on a site somewhere a while back.   It is not copyright to that site's owner.
If I have infringed copyright on the actual sketch itself, I would appreciate being told and it will be removed immediately.  I have no idea who did this sketch, but it is I believe a very old one.    I could not resist it !!








Dover B&W Sampler - colouring by Anne.



Remember the fun you all had as children - using crayons and a colouring book.  Well that ain't just for kids.   I subscribe to Dover Publications who send a sampler once a week with a lot of black and white sketches, some simple, some almost easy enough !! and some really difficult - especially the greys and blacks they provide.   This here is a sample of what can be done if you have a Paint programme in your computer.   I use mainly the Photo Studio 5 programme which comes with the Canon Lide Scanner, to do this kind of work in.   But many of you have different kinds of programmes for art work, tubes etc.  At the right here is the original I worked from to produce the above. 
I also use Paint box a great deal - mainly to reduce the sizes of pics, (it's great for doing that) as well as other using it for text, colour etc. ... but a lot of people are loathe to touch that programme for some reason - I can tell you it is excellent, and like anything else, takes getting used to and learning
My colourings - more of which are below here - are a great source of relaxation and satisfaction to me.    




Below is the original Dover Publication
black and white sketch - easier to deal with,
depending on how much you want to put into it.
The above has a lot of texturing in it.


A few more colourings.   You can take any of these colourings on this page that you like, however, if you use them I would appreciate acknowledgement that they are Dover Publication Sampler originals, coloured by Anne Byam.

Click on image for a much better view


The above Fish Leaping, was originally greys with black and white, and it was later embossed and given a 'soft edge' look to it. 

The detail on this is worth a better look - click on image

Click on the image
