..... is a Golden Retriever. One
of the most lovable dogs one could ever wish to meet. He has been well trained by his owners Brad &
Heather A, who live in the eastern suburbs of Melbourne, Victoria.
Indy is a frequent visitor to our home - and
is always most welcome.
He is only now just in his 3rd year.
A wonderful companion dog, he is very obedient and well mannered.
But - he wasn't always that way. Which
is understandable. When just growing out of puppy-hood - he had much to learn.
Below are 3 photographs I was lucky enough to
capture at the time of the (now well known) 'event' which took place in our lounge / dining room.
*** It was priceless
"And just what do YOU fink you are doin'
up there Mr. Felix ?"
" Ok - if YOU can do it, so can I.
I just gotta figure out how ?
Now let's see - four feet on a
chair and then
two feet up and .... dis isn't easy."
" I'm up ... but there's
nuffinhere Mr. Felix ? I can't find any tucker or toys
and it's VERY high off the floor" ... "not sure I shoulda tried this trick "
"Umm - would someone tell me pleeze - how do I
get down offa this thing ?"
Footnote from the photographer !!
The first photograph has not been touched in any way, except to be cropped.
The 2nd and 3rd photographs had to have a few little
enhancements and additions here and there, but are essentially the original
The seemingly different colourings / hues are due to the fact that I was
trying to use different lighting that was available - while allowing this little performance to continue !
I took quite a few more snaps at the time, also trying a couple of different camera settings, which was a rush job for
obvious reasons. These were the best of the lot.
All photographs have also been reduced in size from the
A couple of YouTube video treats
for your enjoyment.
Well over 1 million viewers and over 3000 comments.
Unfortunately, (although you won't see them here) there was a grand argument started up between the extreme religious
in community and the not-so-religious. I can't personally see why that could happen or why it should happen.
(Some people leave some ridiculous comments on these videos and should be ashamed of themselves !).
It is simply - a beautiful experience, and one I found
extremely relaxing. Thanks to the original photographer Jon Rawlinson - to be found at http://jonrawlinson.com.
One of the most beautiful videos
I have
ever come across.
Delightful, joyous and
just maybe a lesson to us humans ?
If two such different creatures
can be so protective
and caring of one another - why
can't we find this
in our human world, more than
we do now ?
If the video doesn't work, or
a message shows that the embedding of code
has been removed,
click on the above photo to go to this feature
on the YouTube site.
Here is a YouTube ... of a remarkable
little Jack Russell terrier - doing his housework